Saturday, February 7, 2009

work'n hard or hardly working?

hello! I am currently working on an awesome new mini-series called: Pokemanz!
It stars my brother Jake and follows him on his Pokemon adventure!
any-whoozle, Here is today's newz!!!

Current projects!
Pokemanz! comic
satisfaction guaranteed
random drawing of the week

Word of the Week

Fruit of the Week

Monday, January 5, 2009

yyeeeaaahhh... about '08?

Of course I have to say the creation of the Iphone and the Wii and PS3. Also Halo 3 was awesome. There was much done in the gaming industry in the year of 2008. But also there was one thing that knocked it flat on it's keister. The ultimate video gaming sin was commited by the once-nobel company of Nintendo. They released an officialy frowned-apon series:

Imagine [insert profession here]

Now I have to insert a hilarious 2008 SNL joke here to: Really? with Joey L. Really Nintendo? Release a game where you can "plan a wedding" or "train dogs and help endangered animals" only to then crush hearts of little girl when they figure out that their career path will most likely go a little something like this: first job, fast food place drive-thru worker or super market casheer, second job, some job that involves selling stuff at a Hot Topic or a Zumizes, third job, a little more high brow: an office sales person/customer service hotline worker or secretary, Last job: most likely a banker or a worker at a crafts store. Really Nintendo?
P.S. Ubisoft: this is an all time low for you tisk tisk.... TISK I SAY!

(credit given to SNL for REALLY? with Seth and Amy, Apple for making the Iphone, Sony for making the PS3 and Nintendo for making the Wii but no thanks for Imagine [insert career here])

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Post Delayed

My dad made me remove my first comic post because it contained a refrence to Drugs and Alchohol

The First Comic is Now Up!

Vol. 1 of my new comic Satasfaction Guaranteed! has been posted I hope you enjoy. If you cant read the text there is a caption bellow that tells you what is says in the comic. There will be a new comic posted EVERY Sunday. unless there is a holiday or I'm swamped with homework. Enjoy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Ideas are pumpin!

I am Currently Brainstorming with my associates Nick and Jake for Ideas for Satasfaction Guaranteed.

Stay posted

Saturday, December 6, 2008

howdy DA comrads!

Hello I'm Joe-Dizzle but You can checkout my Deviant Art account: Chibi2112.
Comics will be posted here from now on!